Join Us

Join us to become a supporter of OPVIC

Parents, caregivers, and those involved in the delivery of services to children with vision loss are welcome to sign up to be a supporter of OPVIC.

  • You will get put on our email mailing list to learn about upcoming events.
  • You will get to contact OPVIC to put you in touch with another parent, guardian or family member of a child, youth or adult with vision loss, to share tips and strategies.
  • You can offer to become a member of the OPVIC board.
  • You can get involved in OPVIC advocacy activities.

To sign up, just click on the signup link below, and fill out the supporter form.

If you have any questions, write us at

We cannot provide legal advice, or represent you or your child in any legal proceedings.


Our Resources

OPVIC has resources that may help you and serve your needs.

View Resources

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