How We Advocate
OPVIC works with parents across Ontario to equip them to advocate for their children with vision loss. OPVIC does various advocacy activities in support of children with vision loss in Ontario, for example:
- Provides trained OPVIC representatives for Ontario’s Special Education Advisory Committees (SEAC) that are mandatory for every school board in the province
- Gives advice to parent groups who are fighting potential cuts to their special education resources within their communities
- Encourages the provincial government to increase available resources for blind and low vision education in Ontario
- Works closely with CNIB on national advocacy activities and plans as the Ontario parent association
- Offers monthly information sessions to parents to equip them with tools and information to get their children needed resources
OPVIC Advocacy in the News
While OPVIC is completely made up of volunteers, we do assist where we can in directly helping parents to advocate where we are able. Here are a few examples of OPVIC has assisted in advocating for resources for blind and low vision children in Ontario communities:
- Peel school board backtracks on reassigning special ed teachers after outcry from parents
- Is Ontario Doing Enough for Students with Disabilities – The Agenda
- CNIB’s new charter aims to create a more inclusive society for the visually impaired
More Advocacy Resources
In addition, OPVIC recommends the following resources to assist parents in advocating for their child’s vision loss needs:
- Practical Tips for Advocating for Your Child
- CNIB Advocacy Supports
- CNIB Strategic Plan – “Our Kids Will Thrive”
- Justice for Children and Youth
- Ontario Human Rights Commission